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    Career Episode Writing Service

    Career Episode is one of the important parts of a CDR report. Engineers Australia wants three career episodes from applicants (EA). The career episode is essential in showcasing your engineering competence, knowledge, and abilities. Many aspects of your engineering employment and work experience are highlighted in the career episode report. Career Episodes can be created for academic assignments done during your education or activities accomplished while working professionally for a company. In all cases, the processes for generating a career episode are the same. We are experienced writers with years of practice in this field to provide you with the best career episode report writing service available, emphasizing your engineering performance and abilities in your chosen field.

    Tips on writing Career Episodes for Engineers Australia

    Career episodes are what explains your educational qualification and work experience in the field of engineering. All three career episodes are based on three specific engineering projects done on a certain period of time. Career Episodes Engineers Australia gives detailed information on technical and other skills an engineer applied to the project described. You must demonstrate your professional competencies in your career episodes

    Career Episodes are written based on the following activities:

    • An engineering project was done during undergraduate or graduate course
    • A project you are working on in your workplace
    • An engineering position you are currently working on

    While preparing career episodes you must follow certain instructions given by Engineers Australia such as:

    • Career Episodes must be written in English
    • Each Career Episode must be more than 1500 words and shouldn’t exceed 2500 words.
    • Each Career Episode should clearly illustrate your engineering knowledge and skills.
    • Each Career Episode should emphasize a personal role like what you did rather than what your team did.
    • You should use the first-person language.
    • Give more importance to engineering methods that you used to solve the problems.
    • Number each paragraph in each career episodes.

    Sections of Career Episodes Engineers Australia

    Each Career Episodes Engineers Australia must be divided into four sections and they are the introduction, background, personal engineering activity and summary. Each of these sections should be written differently and should contain specific details.

    cdr report guidelines


    It should be approximately 100 words.

    The content of the introduction should be in chronological order

    • Dates and duration of career episodes
    • The location where it occurred
    • The name of the organization
    • The title of position occupied by you


    It provides information on the activities you have been involved or working on. It should be around 200 to 500 words and should contain:

    • The nature of the overall engineering project
    • The objectives of the project
    • The nature of your particular work area
    • A chart of the organizational structure highlighting your position, in relation to the career episode
    • A statement of your duties (provide an official duty statement where available)

    Personal Engineering Activity

    This section is the body art with all the detail information you have done such as what you did, how you did it. In here you should describe what you personally did rather than what your team did because this is a personal competency assessment. You should provide a detailed illustration on:

    • Application of your engineering knowledge and skills on the project.
    • The Task that was given to you and how you accomplished them.
    • Any specific technical difficulties/problems you faced and the way you solved them.
    • Methods and solution developed by you using your original creation.
    • About teamwork i.e. how you worked in a team.


    It concludes everything that is explained in the above sections. It contains about 50-100 words that includes

    • Conclusion of everything you did on the project
    • How the project leads to your goals/requirements.
    • Summary of what your roles and responsibilities were during the project.

    Why Do You Need Career Episodes?

    Engineers in Australia who do not have a degree in engineering must show their competency via CDR report. They put your talents to the test before giving you permission to live and work in Australia. They aim to ensure that the persons they approve can work in the Australian labour market and do not represent a risk to the economy. As a result, EA created the Competency Demonstration Report to evaluate the skills of Engineers relocating to Australia (CDR).

    The CDR includes three Career Episodes that are critical in demonstrating your engineering competence and knowledge from your last year of engineering, internship program, or similar employment program. Through the career episode, EA can gather information about the applicant’s degree of engineering abilities. As a result, if anybody wants to guarantee that they are favourably appraised for their migration to Australia by EA, a well-prepared Career Episode is an absolute requirement.

    Career Episode Samples

    Make Sure your Report gets Accepted by the EA

    Instead of wasting your time and money with incompetent agencies, contact us for your guaranteed success. Our writers will make sure the results are refined, proofread, and plagiarism free. We are giving Free Consultation for our clients.
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    Pricing of Complete CDR Report Writing

    We provide our complete CDR Writing service on the basis of your urgency level and prices respectively. There are currently three varients of service that you can purchase which are shown below.
    3 Career Episodes
    Summary Statement
    Plagiarism Check
    Correction Limit
    Speak with the Writer
    PR procedure guidance
    Full Refund
    15 days plan
    per year
    3 Times3 Times
    Get Started
    10 days plan
    per year
    6 Times6 Times
    Get Started
    7 days plan
    per year
    Get Started
    Royal Package
    per year
    Get Started

    Feeling Curious? Talk with us on +61 481 614 316 / +61 483 968 416

    We are here to answer all your queries and provide you the best service. Feel free to contact our writers for your concerns.
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