RPL Assessment for MSc Nursing

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    RPL Assessment MSC Nursing

    RPL Assessment Report, this guidelines provides you with information on the RPL process and the assessment requirements for RPL (theory) as entry criteria to the MSc in Nursing Programme (All Fields of Practice). Applicants need to fulfill the primary documents like 3 years nursing completion certificate to claim for RPL in MSc Nursing programme. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standards for Pre-Registration Nursing Education, the duration of the MSc in Nursing is usually 3 years i:e 4,600 hours by utilization of the RPL process. The RPL (theory) claim is made for entry to the programme.

    Guidance on your RPL essay

    These are descriptions dependent on the learning results, of the skills, information or attribute you have to exhibit so as to finish the assessment effectively. For making decisions about the RPL submission we also follow this guidance from the University RPL policy:
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    Is there a match between the proof introduced and the presented up being illustrated? Is the proof valid and reliable?


    Is there a fitting match between the proof introduced and the picking up being illustrated? Is the proof learning claimed?


    Is evidence clearly related to the candidates own efforts and achievements?


    Is the degree of success enough to permit a section to the program being applied for?

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    Assessment Details

    You will be required to provide evidence of your prior learning against the learning outcomes in Stage 1 of the BSc three year nursing programme. You will need to give proof of your prior learning against the learning results in Stage 1 of the BSc three year long program. These have been summarized below:


    The supporting way of thinking of your nursing program is 'personal Centered Care' which is a perspective and giving medical care while seeing assistance clients as fundamental accomplices in planning, developing and monitoring care to guarantee that their needs are met and going about as an advocate when essential.

    Knowledge and Understanding

    Basically assess factors that impact upon a person's wellbeing over the life course and relate these to health advancement activities and proof informed rules for practice.


    Basically survey a scope of communication techniques that can empower the improvement of helpful connections

    Values and Attitude

    Effectively arrange and advocate for individuals to guarantee equivalent access to care and support.

    RPL Assessment

    The RPL Assessment will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of 2 key issues: communication as it relates to advocacy and the factors that impact on an individual’s health across the life course and relate these to health promotion activities. The assessment has two parts. You must complete both parts of the assessments and include the coursework declaration sheet and feedback and results from with your submission.

    Part 1: Advocacy

    It is a skill that might be required when dealing with vulnerable people. 

    Write a 1000 – 1500 word essay using literature and theory to support the writing , to demonstrate understanding of advocacy and the communication strategy used within one of the three scenarios on the NMC safeguarding film that can be accessed from the link below. The communication strategy identified could be either positive or negative and you also need to discuss the importance of being aware of the potential need for advocacy within relationships in health care. 

    Part 2: Using example from your own experience and using literature and theory to support your writing, write a 1000-1500 word essay to demonstrate your understanding of what factors may impact an individual’s health and relate these to health promotion activities.

    Marking Criteria

    The following criteria will be used to identify whether you have meet the learning outcomes for the RPL claim

    PART 1 – 1000-1500 words:

    Discuss what is meant by advocacy and how the communication strategies used in your chosen scenario either support or present a barrier to the concept of advocacy being utilized. Discuss the importance of being aware of the potential need for advocacy within relationships in health care.

    PART 2 – 1000-1500 words:

    Discuss the definitions of health and health promotion. Identify and discuss the key issues that could impact on an individual’s health and consider what health promotion activities would be most effective. Identify examples from your own experience (not necessarily clinical experience) to support discussions.

    Aspects for comment only and not identified as pass or fail criteria:

    Produce an organized account that is clearly structured, grammatically correct and uses formal/academic language. Refer to the City, University of London citation guidelines on page 5 and use relevant references that reflect depth and breadth of reading.

    Additional support for Essay

    Coursework Declaration Sheet

    You are needed to present a complete Coursework Declaration Sheet and present it as the FRONT PAGE of your accommodation. Dyslexia/Disability: Students who have specific needs corresponding to learning are urged to pronounce this on the Cover Sheet so their necessities can be taken into account.

    Feedback and Result Form

    Towards the end of these guidelines you will see a section entitled Feedback and Result Form. Please ensure you include this with your submission. This form will contain the feedback from the marker which will be returned to you after marking. 

    Towards the finish of these rules you will see a segment entitled Feedback and Result Form. It would be ideal if you guarantee you incorporate this with your accommodation. This structure will contain the criticism from the marker which will be gotten back to you in the wake of checking. The form itself is designed to provide you with feedback in relation to the assessment criteria that have been set for this work. The course work will be returned to you within four weeks of your submission via email.

    Pricing of Complete Msc-Nursing RPL

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