CDR Report for Chartered Management applicants in the UK

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    Chartered Management - UK

    Chartered Manager is the highest status that can be achieved in the management profession. Awarded only by CMI, it's recognised and valued across all sectors. Working with employers and universities we have ensured that the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) is fully aligned to the standards of professional recognition provided by the Chartered Manager award. The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) is a professional institution for management based in the United Kingdom.

    Competency Report Writing Service for Chartered Management - UK

    We have to show our competence in the outlined subject in Section 1 as suitable to the role. Its important to include your recent acheivements at work. You can also use your most recent experience if not employed.
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    Section 1

    Advancing & Enhancing Current Best Practice

    Section 2

    Advancing and Enhancing Construction Management Knowledge

    Section 3

    Advancing Learning & Teaching (for lecturers, course developers and designers)

    Section 4

    Vocational Education & Training (For NVQ Assessors and Training & Development Managers)

    Section 5

    Leadership and Management (for Programme Leaders, Managers and Heads of Department)

    Section 6

    Commitment to Professionalism (mandatory for all applicants via the academic route)

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    Core Competencies for Chartered Management

    The core competencies for the Chartered Management are divided into six different sections. They all are elaborated in the extended tabs below.

    Advancing & Enhancing Current Best Practice

    This section incorporates six core competencies. For each competence there is a minimum requirement of 3 years’ experience which will need to be demonstrated. This section is mandatory for all applicants via the academic route. It is important to provide examples from your working experience to demonstrate the competencies. The competence requirements cannot be satisfied by listing modules or qualifications you have achieve

    COMPETENCE 3.1.1 

    Advancing Industry Engagement in Education You should give instances of work you have done to promote industry engagement in education, improve abilities and guarantee the skill and validity of the education programme.

    COMPETENCE 3.1.2 

    Applying Current Best Practice to the Design and Delivery of the Curriculum. Give data and instances of how you have applied industry current best practice to the design, audit and delivery of the educational program to upgrade learning and develop skills.

    This might be the incorporation of new techniques, development, higher level skills and abilities or the establishment of information move associations. Specific consideration ought to be paid to current best

    COMPETENCE 3.1.3 

    Arranging and Undertaking Continuous Professional Development in Current Industry Best Practice. Give proof of your capacity to design and embrace CPD in current industry best practice. You may allude to association courses of action, participation at CPD occasions, industry positions or different activities which help to keep up the money of your subject knowledge.

    COMPETENCE 3.1.4

    Promoting Ethical Practice Demonstrates your comprehension of the significance of morals in development. Provide examples of how you have promoted ethical practice to understudies and graduates in your work including any work advancing the function of professional bodies and codes of training to students.

    COMPETENCE 3.1.5 

    Awareness of and Promotion of Innovation in Construction. Describe how you maintain knowledge of innovation in construction and give examples of any relevant projects you have been involved in. Describe how this informs your teaching practice or work.

    Attention to and Promotion of Innovation in Construction. Portray how you keep up information on advancement in development and give instances of any important undertakings you have been associated with. Portray how this illuminates your showing practice or work.

    COMPETENCE 3.1.6 

    Access to the Professions, Equality and Diversity. Give proof of how you have access to calling and any work you have done to advance fairness and assorted diversity in the industry.

    Advancing and Enhancing Construction Management Knowledge

    This section incorporates four core competencies. For each competence there is a minimum requirement of 3 years. This section is optional for candidates applying via the academic route.

    COMPETENCE 3.2.1

    Arranging and Producing Research Outputs, You will confirm your capacities to plan design, and monitor your research activities including choosing proper strategies, drawing in partners and dispersing results.

    COMPETENCE 3.2.2 

    Working together and Applying Research Outputs industry Provide Information and example of the use of research output in industry and the worth it has brought. Describe any cooperative plans or undertakings you have overseen and the worth these have brought to the collection of knowledge and information.

    COMPETENCE 3.2.3 

    Applying Research Outputs to Learning and Teaching Provide data on research yields and how they have progressed or improved learning and teaching as well as the educational program and students commitment in research.

    COMPETENCE 3.2.4 

    Understanding and Applying Ethics in Research. Describe any moral choices, decisions you have made, and how you have applied any standards to the task.

    Advancing Learning & Teaching (for lecturers, course developers and designers)

    This section incorporates four core competencies. For each competence there is a minimum requirement of 3 years’ experience which will need to be demonstrated. This section is optional for candidates applying via the academic route on the basis of their work and achievements in learning and teaching. It is important to provide examples from your working experience to demonstrate the competencies.

    COMPETENCE 3.3.1 

    Communication (Engaging Stakeholders, the Community, International Partners) 

    Give data on research and how they have progressed or improved learning and educating and the teaching program and student commitment in research.

    COMPETENCE 3.3.2 

    Championing the Needs/Interests of Students 

    explain activities to improve the student experience including any feedback and discussions for connecting with students and graduates in the advancement of the program/programs.

    COMPETENCE 3.3.3 

    Contributing Towards or Leading Program Design and Development 

    Give data and instances of your capacity to lead or add to the plan as well as advancement of design and development. This may include arranging, resourcing and overseeing program development  through to approval and connecting with applicable partners.

    COMPETENCE 3.3.4 Contributing Towards Learning and Teaching Knowledge or Practice 

    Provide data and examples of any work you have done including proficient advancement movement and examination that has contributed towards learning and teaching as well as practice.

    Vocational Education & Training (For NVQ Assessors and Training & Development Managers)

    This section incorporates four core competencies. For each competence there is a minimum requirement of 3 years’ experience which will need to be demonstrated. This section is for candidates applying via the academic route working in vocational education as an NVQ Assessor or as a Training Development Manager for a Construction Company.

    COMPETENCE 3.4.1 

    Creating Professional Competence. Give examples of how you create professional competency and practices in your students.

    COMPETENCE 3.4.2 

    Accommodating Learning Needs and Learning Styles. Give Example of how you tailor the delivery of projects to your learners/students including recognizing learning needs.


    COMPETENCE 3.4.3 

    promoting Reflection. You need to show that how you promote practice in your students.

    COMPETENCE 3.4.4 

    Promoting Lifelong Learning. You will need to demonstrate how you promote lifelong learning through your delivery.

    Leadership and Management (for Programme Leaders, Managers and Heads of Department)

    COMPETENCE 3.5.1 

    Leadership and Strategic Management/Financial Management. You should show how you have created, or contributed towards the development of a plan arrangement for example, a quality improvement plan or tasks plan, and how you have observed and assessed the viability of the arrangement: Describe how you conveyed the arrangement through your own administration alluding to the given skills: Planning and Organizing, Managing Resources, Managing People, Managing Change, Monitoring a Plan and Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Plan.

    COMPETENCE 3.5.2 

    Developing People or Teams. Show your ability in regard to creating individuals or groups. Proof ought to incorporate reference to: Appraisal/Performance Management, Identify Learning or Professional Development Needs, Negotiate a Learning Plan, Create Team Relations, Experience of Professional Relations in the Workplace and Experience of Conflict and Dispute Resolution.

     COMPETENCE 3.5.3

    Managing Quality/Quality Assurance. Describe how you have managed quality frameworks and implement upgrade measures to improve quality. You may cause reference to measures to improve the students understanding, benchmarking exercises or measures to keep up or improve quality or the validity of the educational plan.

     COMPETENCE 3.5.4 

    Managing Information/Knowledge Transfer. Show your capacity to manage data including information move giving models from you.

    Commitment to Professionalism (mandatory for all applicants via the academic route)

    In this section you are required to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the role and significance of the and its functions.

    COMPETENCE 3.6.1 

    Professional Judgement and Responsibility. Exercise professional judgment inside their job. The motivation behind this part is to guarantee that individuals from the apply and advance proper principles of polished methodology to their obligations dependent on the CIOB Rules and Regulations of Professional Competence and Conduct, and their obligation of care. 

    COMPETENCE 3.6.2 

    Commitment to abide by the Rules & Regulations of Professional Competence & Conduct. It would be ideal if you allude to the accompanying connection for additional data to enable you to portray/assess the significance of the responsibility to keep the Rules and Regulations of Professional Competence and Conduct applicable to your job/understanding: 

    COMPETENCE 3.6.3

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Applicants must show their understanding of the advantage of CPD. Candidates ought to exhibit a comprehension of the arranging, execution and assessment of CPD so as to meet current and future needs. It would be ideal if you allude to the Guidance notes for indicative examples.

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