CDR Sample for Electrical Engineers 233311
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Electrical Engineering: ANZSCO 233311
Electrical Engineers configuration, create and test electrical gadgets and hardware, including correspondences frameworks, power generators, engines and route frameworks, and electrical frameworks for vehicles and airplanes. They likewise direct the assembling of these gadgets, frameworks, and hardware.
Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) Sample for Electrical engineers
The Competency Demonstration Report Sample for Electrical Engineer includes all the necessary reports such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development, Summary Statement and Curriculum Vitae. The Content of the CDR Report Sample is as follows:
Electrical Engineer Career Episode Report Samples
The career episode must be written on your own based on your recent work experience and must be in the English language. Each career episode should highlight the problems faced in your project and the steps taken to overcome them. It would be best if you numbered each paragraph of your career episodes as “ Career episode 1 (paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) “. The primary four components are as follows:
Electrical Engineering Sample Project Name: MATLAB Simulation of Solar Photo Voltaic Module and Hydropower Plant
In first career episode, the author describes the project he carried out for the fulfilment of Bachelors in Engineering (Electrical and Electronics) from Pokhara University. The project’s name was “MATLAB Simulation of Solar Photo Voltaic Module and Hydropower Plant”. The responsibilities of the author were:
To design solar voltaic module using MATLAB
To study the output characteristics of the system using simulation
To design hydropower plant using MATLAB
To study the characteristics of hydropower by simulation
To study the characteristic curves and effect of variation of environmental conditions like temperature and irradiation on them
To study the PV module’s behavior under partial shading condition</li
Project Name:Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Extension and Reinforcement of Power Distribution System in Pokhara valley in Nepal
In second Career Episode, the author explains the engineering skills he used in the project he carried out for the fulfilment of Bachelors in Engineering (Electrical and Electronics) from Pokhara University. His duties and responsibilities in the project “Master Plan and Feasibility Study on Extension and Reinforcement of Power Distribution System in Pokhara valley in Nepal” were:
To detect the status of the transmission of electricity by NEA in Pokhara valley
To sort the problems faced by the transmission of electricity
To understand the issues that cause the problem of lossless transmission
To research and provide possible improvement in the present system to reduce the loss
To make the maximum utilization of the available resource regarding the context of the power distribution
Project Name: Optimal Allocation of Static and Dynamic Reactive Power Support for enhancing Power System Security
In third Career Episode, the author explains the engineering skills he used in the project he was involved in as a senior student. His duties and responsibilities in the project “Optimal Allocation of Static and Dynamic Reactive Power Support for enhancing Power System Security” were:
To develop an approach to identify severe contingencies and vulnerable buses so that voltage prone areas can be outlined in the network that need reactive power support
To identify the degree and nature of voltage problem
To develop a methodology to better identify optimal locations with reduced integer (location) optimization complexity
To develop a methodology for optimally allocating static and dynamic VAR source for a single contingency
To develop a methodology with reduced complexity for optimally allocating static and dynamic VAR source for multiple severe contingencies considered simultaneously
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