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    CDR Report Guidelines

    Engineers who are preparing for migration to Australia needs to be assessed by Engineers Australia through Competency Demonstration Report. It is very important to make your CDR report perfect to get approved by Engineers Australia. The main purpose of CDR Assessment is to know:

    • Your knowledge of technical factors of engineering.
    • How you have used your engineering knowledge and skills.
    • Your competency capability in engineering occupation you choose.

    The CDR Report has Three Different Sections: Continuing Professional Development, Three Career Episodes and a Summary Statement. The complete guidelines on writing this report are presented here to help you with your CDR. We also provide CDR Writing, CDR Reviewing and CDR Tutoring Services.

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the way to show how you will and are keeping yourself updated about new inventions and discoveries in engineering field. It is better to include all the relevant CPD in CDR Report. Engineers Australia has divided Professional Engineers Competencies into Four Principle Elements and They are:

    Any CPD Report must have following things:

    • It Must be in list format
    • It may contain any formal or informal activity done in the engineering field.
    • Must include detailed information like title, date, time period, location and other relevant information.
    • It must not exceed one page.
    • Not required to attach certificates of courses and events you were involved.

    These points should be followed while preparing CPD and it should contain detail information of activity such as:

    cdr report guidelines

    Career Episodes (CEs)

    Career Episodes is what explains your educational qualification and work experience in the field of engineering. All three Career episodes are based on three specific engineering projects done on a certain period of time. Career Episodes gives detailed information on technical and other skills an engineer applied to the project described.

    Career Episodes are written based on the following activities:

    • an engineering project was done during undergraduate or after graduation.
    • A project you are or working on in your workplace.
    • Research is done in the field of engineering
    • An engineering position you are currently working on

    While preparing Career Episodes you must follow certain instructions given by Engineers Australia such as:

    • Career Episodes must be written in English
    • Each Career episode must be more than 1500 words and shouldn’t exceed 2500 words
    • Each Career Episode should clearly illustrate your engineering knowledge and skills.
    • Each Career Episode should emphasize on the personal role like what you did rather than what your team did.
    • You should use the first-person language. ( I did, done by me, did it myself)
    • Give more importance to engineering methods that you used to solve the problems.
    • Number each paragraph in each career episodes.

    Each Career Episodes must be divided into four Sections and they are Introduction, Background, Personal Engineering Activity and Summary. Each of these sections should be written differently and should contain specific details.


    cdr report guidelines


    It is the first section of Career Episode and it should include the following things:

    • It should be approximately 100 words.
    • The content of the introduction should be in chronological order
    1. Dates and Duration of career episodes
    2. The location where it occurred
    3. The name of the organization
    4. The title of the position occupied by you


    It provides information on the activities you have been involved or working on. It should be around 200 to 500 words and should contain:

    • the nature of the overall engineering project
    • the objectives of the project
    • the nature of your particular work area
    • a chart of the organizational structure highlighting your position, in relation to the career episode
    • a statement of your duties (provide an official duty statement where available).

    Personal Engineering Activity

    This section is the body part with all the detail information you have done such as what you did, how you did it. In here you should describe what you personally did rather than what your team did because this is a personal competency assessment. You should provide a detailed illustration on:

    • Application of your engineering knowledge and skills on the project.
    • The task is given to you and how you accomplished them
    • Any specific technical difficulties/problems you faced and the way you solved them
    • Methods and solution developed by you using your original creation.
    • About teamwork i.e. how you worked in a team


    It concludes everything that is explained in the above section. It contains about 50 -100 words that include the following things:

    • Conclude everything you did on the project
    • how the project lead to your goals/requirements
    • Summary of your roles and responsibilities.

    Summary Statement (SS)

    A summary statement is the most important and difficult part of any CDR. In this section, you need to analyze that you have illustrated all the competency elements for the nominated occupational category as described in the ANZSCO code. In the summary statement, you need to provide the cross-references of the paragraphs that you have written in each career episode. Only one Summary Statement (SS) is required for all three episodes.

    Make Sure your Report gets Accepted by the EA

    Instead of wasting your time and money with incompetent agencies, contact us for your guaranteed success. Our writers will make sure the results are refined, proofread, and plagiarism free. We are giving Free Consultation for our clients.
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    Pricing of Complete CDR Report Writing

    We provide our complete CDR Writing service on the basis of your urgency level and prices respectively. There are currently three varients of service that you can purchase which are shown below.
    3 Career Episodes
    Summary Statement
    Plagiarism Check
    Correction Limit
    Speak with the Writer
    PR procedure guidance
    Full Refund
    15 days plan
    per year
    3 Times3 Times
    Get Started
    10 days plan
    per year
    6 Times6 Times
    Get Started
    7 days plan
    per year
    Get Started
    Royal Package
    per year
    Get Started

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