
Life of international students in Australia 2024

Life of international students in Australia
CDR Engineers Australia

Life of international students in Australia 2024

In the world, Australia is one of the fastest-growing countries with excellent opportunities. In the Australian population, the economy and opportunities are growing in rapidly ways. As an international student, Australia is the world’s best destination to make your future secure, and you will get a different job opportunity there.

There are different choices available to you while studying in Australia, but unlike in other countries, the university provides very little lodging and food.

Most students will live outside the campus hostel in shared rental housing or hostels. Most universities will announce international students to arrive in Australia 2-3 weeks before their course starts to get settled and manage lodging and flooding there.

Read More: Top reasons to move to Australia in 2024. 💪💪

Australia has a comparatively high cost of living, although the wages paid to workers are quite high. You can estimate your living expenses to be, on average, AU$ 20,000 per year.

Whether you’ve just arrived in Australia or are planning to move there to study in a few months, there’s no time like the present to start planning what you’ll see and do while studying in Australia.

How do students manage their time in Australia?

time management by students

As our energy and money, time is a scarce resource that must be managed effectively. Time management is all about planning and regulating the amount of time you spend on specific tasks.

Time management skill for international students is common for all. Most of your time will be spent studying, but seeing the sights and experiencing what your selected country offers is one of the main reasons to study abroad. And Australia has a lot to offer.

Students in foreign land face problems such as homesickness, language problems, lifestyle, food, etc. But, the Australian government also helps international students in many ways.

Generally, international students manage their time in Australia following some self-made routine. Here are some ways how students manage their time in Australia:

Learn More: Top engineering field in demand in Australia in 2024. 🤩🤩

Setting goals

It is only possible to manage time by setting goals for everyone in Australia. Students set some long-term and some short-term goals to manage their time effectively. For example, completing day-to-day assignments on time. They allocate fixed time for fixed tasks and help them manage their time.


Students grade tasks according to their importance by examining what has to be accomplished within a certain timeframe. Students achieve their goals by setting priorities for each day, week, month, and year. It also aids in the prioritization of things that are crucial but not urgent, such as personal devotion, proper sleep, and exercise.


It’s critical to have a plan in place once priorities have been established. Some people are naturally organized, while others require assistance. Students keep an up-to-date calendar and maintain their clean study space to be more productive. They also use some reminder apps to get alerts for important tasks.

Balancing study and work-life

Maintaining study time and work is a challenging task for international students. They perform their tasks following some pre-made routine. Apart from work and research, they maintain their time for refreshments like sightseeing, movies, and others.

Read more: Everything you need to know about ACS Skill Assessment. 🌟🌟

Tips to adapt in Australia for international students 

  • Join a club or society to meet new people.
  • Maintain your health.
  • Choose the best health insurance plan
  • Be active; if possible, find an exercise friend.
  • Take the usual precautions.
  • Allow yourself to settle down and be patient.
  • Get your finances in order, and seek advice if necessary.
  • Moving to a new country is difficult; do your best to overcome them.

Life of international students in Australia: Reality Vs. Social media

There is a vast difference in lifestyle in reality and social media in Australia. We see students snapping photos on social media on the beach, but this is not real life; it is a day to unwind after a long day of job, studies, and other responsibilities.

As a student in Australia, there are many rules and regulations to fulfill as instructed by the university, so student life is more challenging than we thought before facing all the challenges there.

The most important thing for potential study abroad students to know is to keep their expectations in check. Research into the country’s culture, the course, and student life. This activity will make you more open to accepting the new life’s problems, and you won’t be discouraged when the harsh reality slaps you in the face.

Life in Australia for international students is not easy in the early phases of Australia, but after some time living, their life improves gradually. So, real-life and social media life is completely different.

However, international engineers willing to migrate to Australia will be given a chance to get a Permanent Residency via CDR report preparation. Please call to know more about what a CDR report is from our experts.