NER Work Experiences Statement for Australia

NER Work Experiences Statement for Australia
Before discussing the NER work experiences statement, you should know about the NER meaning. The National Engineering Register (NER) is nothing but the registration framework introduced by Engineers Australia, and NER is also called the register of national engineers.
With the help of this framework, the best employers can connect with the best engineers, allowing them to provide top services with no difficulty. Those who are registered with the National Engineering Register exhibit professionalism, excellent skills, and trust. This demonstrates the significance of being registered in this framework and how it will benefit your future career. When registering in the relevant framework, you must understand how to frame a NER work experience statement.
Some below points must be noted while writing the NER statement
- The work experience statement must be written in chronological order
- Recent and relevant experience matching the required skills must be presented first to gain the attention
- The area of practice must have at least 5 years of experience.
- Role-critical achievements and responsibilities should be mentioned.
- You can mention the past positions in short if the work experience is too lengthy to portray properly.
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How to write a NER work experiences statement?
When creating a NER work experience statement, you must fully understand the guidelines as stated by the authorities. However, it may be challenging for them to get started because so few applicants have the required information and understanding. If you make even one mistake in your work experience statement, having your name registered in the NER Australia Framework will be extremely difficult.
As a result, you should always consider collaborating with reliable experts who can complete the task for you. We are in the business of assisting applicants with their NER work experience statement requirements so that their names can be registered in the appropriate framework and they can exclusively avail themselves of the best opportunities at all times. We have a skilled team that is always available to help you understand the guidelines and ensure that the results are in your favor.
What should you include for each position you have held for the past 7 years?
- Start and finish of each position and position title
- Employer name, address, and location
- Short description of the responsibility played and duties required for the role
- Critical achievements
Key achievements
Key achievements are the skills, tasks, and knowledge gathered through the job role.
Learn More: Know how to become a registered engineer in Australia. ✨✨
What is included in key achievements?
- The situation, the problem faced, the opportunities gathered
- System project tasks or the role you have worked for
- Quality improvements and your contribution to that
Specialist skills and knowledge
- Critical actions are taken to tackle any situation.
- Any instance of creativity and innovation
- Outcomes achieved
Professional reference details
You should mention at least two professional references, as Engineers Australia might need to contact them for clarification and to test the work experience statement.
- Have a minimum of 5 years of experience in your field of practice and must have an engineering degree.
- Can be your mentor, anyone in a supervisory position, senior colleagues, or engineering clients
- They should have known you for a minimum of 12 months.
- One referee should be from the current workplace.
- Another referee may be from the current workplace if you have been there for more than 5 years.
- If you have recently changed your workplace, another referee can be from a previous employer, where the primary constitution is that you must have worked there for at least 5 years.
- The referee can also be from an external scenario, but not merely a friend or family member.
Registration and application fees for NER

- Including registration on NER for the remainder of the current membership subscription year, EA Members pay the price of AU$335.50.
- Non-members pay an assessment fee of AU $555.50, which provides for listing on the NER for the remainder of the current financial year. After the completion of that year, the fee of AU$166 will apply.
- The non-members of over area pay an assessment fee of GST private of AU$305 with the provision of NER listing consulting present year of financial i:e June 30.
- NER renewal fee is charged at AU$97, including GST annually.
- The EA members’ chartered assessment fee is similar to the subscription charged for the entire year.
Who is eligible to have their registration sent to the NER?
- Chartered members of Engineers Australia in each occupational category of Engineers.
- Members of Engineers Australia in each occupational role.
- Non-EA members with relevant experience in their field of practice for 5 years.
CDRWritersAustralia has the best NER statement writers with good knowledge, skills, and competencies. Points to consider while writing NER work experience:
- Chronological orderly writing of statement of work experience
- The expectation of relevant and recent experience
- Practice areas must constitute an experience of a minimum of five years of experience in engineering.
If there is any confusion about how to write a statement of work experience, the NER provides provisions for such statements. Using the SBO model can help you identify your key achievements.
We always work with the primary goal of providing the best writing service to applicants all over the world. Our professionals have the necessary experience and skill set to ensure that your NER work experience statement in Australia is written perfectly. You can always contact our team and share the relevant details to ensure that everything you say is unique and authentic.