CDR Sample for Chemical Engineers 233111
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Chemical Engineering: ANZSCO 233111
The primary job of chemical engineers is to plan and investigate measures to create synthetics, powers, nourishments, drugs, and biologicals, to give some examples. They are regularly utilized by enormous scope fabricating plants to augment profitability and item quality while limiting expenses.
Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) Sample for Chemical Engineers
The Competency Demonstration Report Sample for Chemical Engineer includes all the necessary reports such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development, Summary Statement and Curriculum Vitae. The Content of the Sample is as follow
Chemical Engineer Career Episode Report Samples
The career episode must be written on your own based on your recent work experience and must be in the English language. Each career episode should highlight the problems faced in your project and the steps taken to overcome them. It would be best if you numbered each paragraph of your career episodes as “ Career episode 1 (paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) “. The primary four components are as follows:
Project Name: BUCHI Unit for Protein Analysis
In the first Career Episode, the author writes in detail about the project entitled “BUCHI Unit for Protein Analysis”. He performed this project when he was working as an Executive Trainee. Some of the important tasks he did on this project are listed as follows:
Selection of the type of glass to be used which is resistant to acids, alkalis and organic substances.
Ensure leak tightness to prevent leaks of harmful acid fumes.
Decide the size of condensation zone to prevent splashing of acids.
Coordinate with process engineer to ensure perfect installation.
Coordinate with process engineer to ensure perfect installation.
Review of the design of the new equipment and its suitability with the product to be analyzed for protein calculation.
Project Name: Centralized Vacuum System of 25 Ovens and Design Upgrade of Oven Hall of 5L (5 lines) Unit
In second Career Episode, the author discusses the project he carried out when he was working as Manufacturing Executive and was titled “Centralized Vacuum System of 25 ovens and Design Upgrade of Oven Hall of 5L (5 lines) unit”. In this project, his role were:
To analyze the current vacuum data variations and to compare the corresponding yield
To perform the root cause analysis of the vacuum issues
To propose the project to the production head and the factory manager
To install and commission the new machines
To perform the workplace safety risk analysis and take the appropriate actions
To review the new quality data which includes the physical and microbial qualities of food under the new conditions
To fully operate the activities in the new layout
Project Name: Holding time test, conductivity meters installation in 25K capacity Pasteurizer (HTST) and modification of pasteurizer
In third Career Episode, the author explains the project he was involved in when he worked as Trainee at Milkfood Limited. The project name was “Holding time test, conductivity meters installation in 25K capacity Pasteurizer (HTST) and modification of pasteurizer”. The key responsibilities of the author were:
To review the product failure data of past one year
To monitor heating temperature data of HTST pasteurizer for 1 month and inspecting the reasons in case of any deviation
To co-ordinate with Sealer Air Diversey representative about the issues and possible actions
To decide which tube needs to be extended to ensure minimum corners
To conduct salt test once in a day at least for the duration of the project
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