
CDR Report Sample for Bio-Medical Engineers 233913

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Bio-Medical Engineering: ANZSCO 233913

Biomedical Engineers normally do the accompanying: Design biomedical gear and gadgets, for example, fake inner organs, trades for body parts, and machines for diagnosing clinical issues. Introduce, alter, look after, fix, or offer specialized help for biomedical hardware.


Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) Sample for Bio-Medical Engineers

The Competency Demonstration Report Sample for Bio-Medical Engineer includes all the necessary reports such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development, Summary Statement and Curriculum Vitae. The Content of the Sample is as follow

Curriculum Vitae

Resume based on a professional template.

Continuing Professional Development Sample

CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s Engineering Knowledge- 1000 words.

Bio-Medical Engineer Career Episode Report Sample – 1

“Usage of antibodies to develop an immunological test against Malaria”- 1600 words

Bio-Medical Engineer Career Episode Report Sample – 2

“Eye Movement Tracking”- 2200 words

Bio-Medical Engineer Career Episode Report Sample – 3

“Detection and Classification of Arrhythmia”- 2100 words

Bio-Medical Engineer Summary Statement Sample

Detail explanation of all the competency element- 1500 words

Bio-Medical Engineer Career Episode Report Samples

The career episode must be written on your own based on your recent work experience and must be in the English language. Each career episode should highlight the problems faced in your project and the steps taken to overcome them. It would be best if you numbered each paragraph of your career episodes as “ Career episode 1 (paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) “. The primary four components are as follows:

Project Name: Usage of antibodies to develop an immunological test against Malaria

In the first Career Episode, the author writes in detail about the project entitled “Usage of antibodies to develop an immunological test against Malaria”. He performed this project during his university study. Some of the important tasks he did on this project are listed as follows:

  • To perform literature review regarding malaria, medium of transmission and malaria diagnosis

  • To define material required to carry out plasmid isolation through alkaline lysis technique

  • To determine the method so as to conduct plasmid isolation through alkaline lysis technique

  • To formulate RNase treatment to isolated plasmid

  • To observe the result of plasmid isolation formed through alkaline lysis method

Project Name: Eye Movement Tracking

In second Career Episode, the author discusses the project he carried out during his undergraduate program and was titled “Eye Movement Tracking”. This project focuses on detecting the loss in wide angle field of vision in a person which is known as peripheral vision loss even if the person had a normal central vision. His duties and responsibilities in the project were:

  • To determine the plan of work to carry out the project

  • To track the movement of the eye by following a set of procedures

  • To produce a flowchart to determine the tracking and image processing

  • To carry out the acquisition process with the help of the MATLAB program

  • To track the pathway of the movement of the eye

Project Name: Detection and Classification of Arrhythmia

In third Career Episode, the author explains the project he was involved in during Bachelor Degree Study. The project name was “Detection and Classification of Arrhythmia”. The author had following responsibilities in this project:

  • To carry out the literature review

  • To collect the ECG data

  • To interpret the ECG data

  • To detect the arrhythmia using integral approach

  • To use the LABVIEW software to process the ECG signals

  • To classify arrhythmia using probabilistic neural approach

  • To interpret the result

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