
CDR Report Sample for Production or Plant Engineers 233513

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Production or Plant Engineering: ANZSCO 233513

Production or Plant Engineers plan, immediate and arrange the plan, development, change, proceeded with execution and upkeep of gear and machines in modern plants, and the administration and arranging of assembling exercises.

cdr sample production engineering

Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) Sample for Production or Plant Engineers

The Competency Demonstration Report Sample for Production or Plant Engineer includes all the necessary reports such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development, Summary Statement and Curriculum Vitae. The Content of the Sample is as follow

Curriculum Vitae

Resume based on a professional template.

Continuing Professional Development Sample

CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s Engineering Knowledge- 1000 words.

Production or Plant Engineer Career Episode Report Sample – 1

“Design and ensure the entire Automation System of a Poultry Farm”- 1850 words

Production or Plant Engineer Career Episode Report Sample – 2

“Carbon Fiber Subwoofer Enclosure”- 1700 words

Production or Plant Engineer Career Episode Report Sample – 3

“The Use of Building Information Modeling in Generating Hard Bit Estimates”- 2100 words

Production or Plant Engineer Summary Statement Sample

Detail explanation of all the competency element- 1500 words

Production or Plant Engineer Career Episode Report Samples

The career episode must be written on your own based on your recent work experience and must be in the English language. Each career episode should highlight the problems faced in your project and the steps taken to overcome them. It would be best if you numbered each paragraph of your career episodes as “ Career episode 1 (paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) “. The primary four components are as follows:

Project Name:Design and ensure the entire Automation System of a Poultry Farm

In first career episode, the author describes the project he did when he was studying Bachelor degree in Agricultural Engineering. The project’s name was “Design and ensure the entire Automation System of a Poultry Farm”. The responsibilities of the author were:

  • To ensure all the electrical work were completed in time and to train new local electrical engineers

  • To design and implement the cable plan layout using the software AutoCAD ecscad

  • To integrate the team by the management techniques applied to the wiring team, the new electrical engineers and the general workers

  • To check the quality assurance of the cabling works done and ensure the safety parameters

  • To simulate the PLC controller using the VMware software to test and develop the system in a given environment

  • To determine the maximum power consumption and to commission the layer houses

Project Name: Carbon Fiber Subwoofer Enclosure

In second Career Episode, the author explains this project submitted as a senior student in partial fulfillment of the requirements for degree of Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering. His duties and responsibilities in the project “Carbon Fiber Subwoofer Enclosure” were:

  • To manufacture certain product in terms of material, design and process

  • To develop a product to meet the largely unmet demand for a carbon fiber subwoofer enclosure

  • To create a product design for the subwoofer enclosure

  • To prepare a design for manufacturing processes

  • To develop a prototype of the enclosure, and a production costs analysis

Project Name: The Use of Building Information Modeling in Generating Hard Bit Estimates

In third Career Episode, the author demonstrates his technical skills he used to complete the project he did for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree Master of Science. The Project was “The Use of Building Information Modeling in Generating Hard Bit Estimates”. The key responsibility of the writer was to:

  • To determine attitudes about BIM software

  • To understand the uses and benefits of BIM for construction managers and examine BIM based scheduling

  • To determine how it is being used to develop detailed estimates in construction projects

  • To develop plans for training contractors for more widespread use of BIM

  • To process a survey to determine how the contractors use the model in their bidding processes

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